Whom should I marry: the one whom I love or the one who loves me?

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Albert Einstein said ""Men wed ladies with the expectation they will never show signs of change. Ladies wed men with the expectation they will change. Perpetually they are both baffled." :) 

They additionally say that a lady ought to wed a man who cherishes her more than she adores him. 

I'd state wed just for adoration - either the moment start that sets your spirit ablaze kind or the gradually developing fire kind that keeps you warm inside kind. Be that as it may, wed ONLY when you are both in adoration. 

To additionally clarify my answer - I don't know whether you are contrasting the loves or on the off chance that you are stating its totally uneven. So I'll cover the two perspectives: 

Clearly whether its an affection marriage, the adoration will be shared. Who cherishes increasingly and who adores less wouldn't, and shouldn't, make any difference. For no two individuals EVER love a similar route and there is no greater affront to the feeling than to quantify it and look at it in any capacity. You should both need to wed not on account of you can live with one another, but rather in light of the fact that you cannot live without. Basic. 

Be that as it may, on the off chance that one needs to "pick" an existence accomplice, as in an organized marriage setup, your inquiry winds up relevant. In any case, I'd state its pertinent just to start with - and you should ensure that. Give me a chance to ask you this - why cant the person who adores you be the one you cherish? Isn't his/her adoration for you welcome enough? On the off chance that somebody cherishes you in spite of knowing or detecting you don't love them similarly that much, and if that somebody keeps on adoring you by and by, wouldn't you in the long run begin to look all starry eyed at them too? 

"In the end" is the watchword here. Nobody - man or lady ought to wed somebody they don't love. Or on the other hand somebody they accept or know they can't love, on the off chance that we are being moderate about the time you need to put resources into the relationship. Be that as it may, on the grounds that you don't respond somebody's emotions at the start, don't ruin the capability of in the long run being glad together. Marriage is a develop choice and develop love isn't just about the butterflies in the stomach or the blessings and great presentations of friendship or seething hormones. Develop love is about shared regard, tolerance, seeing a superior individual in your accomplice, confidence in their character and consequently confidence that together you can and will climate all tempests. 

So on the off chance that somebody you don't love adores you and needs to wed you, disclose to them you require time and attempt to enable yourself to cherish them. I'd state you are fortunate to have them, put forth a strong effort and truly check whether you can become more acquainted with them better and cherish them for their identity and how they treat you. 

Obviously, you can't drive yourself to cherish somebody in any case, as Rumi says, you can and should look for and expel all hindrances inside yourself that you have worked against affection. At exactly that point will you settle on the correct choice and at exactly that point will you find a sense of contentment with it.
