Unbelievable! Meet The Woman Who Gives Birth to 17 Babies at Once in USA(Photo+Video)

An American lady has completely obliterated the previous World Record for the most children in a solitary pregnancy by bringing forth seventeen infants. 

"It was mind blowing" clarifies Dr. Jack Morrow who helped the lady through the entire task." The infants continued coming and coming and coming and coming… Man! I believe I'm going to have bad dreams about this day for quite a while! This was my last conveyance!" he includes nauseate. 

Catherine Bridges and her significant other had been endeavoring to have a youngster for a long time and had chosen a year ago to utilize therapeutic help from a fruitfulness center in Rhodes Island. The insemination procedure was certainly fruitful, as the couple got a whole litter of seventeen wonderful infants. 

The couple has just picked the names for the young men with a conspicuous progression of thought: James, Jacob, Jarod, Jarvis, Jason, Jeffrey, Jeremy, Jerome, Jesse, Jimmy, Joachim, Jonathan, Jonas, Joseph, Julian, Jimbo and shockingly, Darth Porkinus
