Female Pensioners Hire Naked Men To Serve Them Food At A Retirement Home

A gathering of elderly female inhabitants at a retirement home have been served some brassy suppers – after 'head servants in the buff' came to visit them. The consideration home conceded the desire of their elderly occupants and enlisted a gathering of meagerly clad head servants, who served the women up a full supper

There were 23 visitors altogether with 11 of them being occupants at the Milton Lodge retirement home at Colchester, Essex, England.

She stated: "At whatever point you ask Joan what she needs that day she generally says 'a man'.

"So we weren't amazed when she needed it to be her desire.

"We had a visit here and everybody was extremely quick to help it.

"We saw on the web and found an organization called Hunks in Trunks.

"When they turned up we needed to tell them what we needed them to do.

"They had a full feast with a dish supper . The women's little girls and granddaughters came.

We requesting that they do some safe being a tease, it doesn't make a difference how old you are, so why not?"

Doll Jenkins, the most seasoned inhabitant matured 99 said she adored the head servants in the buff and has asked for them to be back for her 100th birthday celebration
